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Showing posts from July, 2008

Hottest Fashionistas of Now!!!!

My two favorite fashionistas right now have got to be Solange and Rhianna. They are definetely setting trends and looking great. Keep it up ladies ....

I wanted to personally thank one of my readers for this website. The website features new up and coming designers and it allows you to purchase their clothing. Here are some of my favorites from the site. The jacket is by Uncle Scoots Vintage Playground The purse is by N8 KD The purple dress is by Illwear by Ileana The pink and red dress is by T Simone Designs Thanks again anonymous. Any time any of you guys have sites or something fashion you want me to feature just leave me a comment and I will oblige :).

Celebrity Fashion...

If I was rich I would

I found the site and I think it is a great site and would love to purchase all the items I listed above but there is one catch I dont have $1000 to spend on a jacket or a pair of shoes . I dont have seven hundred dollars to pay for a dress. So here is another post for if I was rich . They have a vary of brands from see by chloe to shoes by giuseppe zanotti . I would consider buying and can afford the black and white platform pump (by giuseppe zanotti) is currently on sale for 240.00 which is a great price for such expensive shoes. Which leaves me to believe that just as net a porter does this site has some great sales in which people who couldnt afford such huge brands are able to . So go check the site out at .

Celebrity Summer Fashion (cont)