Sorry it has taken so long for me to finish my 3 day post on fall fashion . I have been unbelievably busy lately with work and I also went home to visit Mississippi to visit family , I had so much fun. I also stopped by Steve and Barry's to fulfill my Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker obsession , I love her line it so chic and hip . I bought a great peacoat for 19.98 a wool peacoat at that . I would recommend her line to anyone who loves clothes and who likes trendy clothes because her clothes are so reasonable that you can by trendy and not feel bad about it next season when the trends change . I absolutely love her line I always have to travel to because there is no Steve and Barry's close to me the closest one is in Athens which is 2 hours away. I was like a child at Christmas as I piled my purchases in the buggy lol. Now that I have gotten my weekend shopping fix , here is the next installation of my three day fashion picks for fall. Happy Monday :)....
Thanks for your comments and feedback , it means alot.