Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as did I , but they never last long enough. I actually did a little weekend shopping at Old Navy . They have some really cute sweaters and cardigans for fall.
I went to the movies finally to see Why Did I Get Married? so I missed the game and cant give my comments on that ,I will have to watch it tomorrow and add it to tomorrows post bc you know I am team Melanie representing lol . The movie was wonderful , I am not usually a fan of plays turned movies bc the movies just repeat the play. but Tyler Perry did a wonderful job and the movie was great , I went with my boyfriend and he enjoyed it also so its not just a chic flick. It was very funny as well as spiritual and uplifting ;the messages in the movie hit home to any couple . Overall it was a great date movie we both really liked it and I would see it again. On a grading system from A-F . I give the movie an A+ a must see . A great representation of black successful college graduates male and female and black marriage not all of us have baby mama's and daddy's some of us actually marry .Black people are just as diverse as any other race don't believe the stereotypes and this movie proved that. Go see it !
On to the hills , I stayed up for the rerun just for the purpose of this post . Lauren finally went on a date with someone hallelujah ; instead of criticizing everyone else's relationship. It was good to see her with a guy that is not one of her exes . Heidi is finally standing up to Spencer and I think she is seeing his true selfish colors slowly but surely, I thank God for that , bc I loath Spencer . I don't really dislike Heidi bc I think that she is very impressionable and not able to think for her self I just feel sorry for her that she lets him manipulate her and as a result she is friendless . Back to Lauren she went on the date but she couldn't enjoy herself for thinking about Brody :). Ok I love Brody I think he is adorable, I would date him lol. I think eventually they are actually going to try dating again . They make such a cute couple. I cant wait for next week when Spencer breaks down and calls Brody and also Lauren and Whitney travel to NY in preparation for NY Fashion Week. Whitney looked cute in this episode as usual so did Lauren. No real fire works in this episode , hopefully the next week's will fair better.
I haven't decided on my topic for tomorrow , you will just have to check me out and see , but it will be something fashionably fabulous ...... Have a wonderful day and god bless.